Fight Club 15
USA | 1999 139 minutes
David Fincher
Brad Pitt|Edward Norton|Helena Bonham Carter|Meatloaf
There seems so much to say about Fight Club, but we all (probably) know the first rule of Fight Club. It was a hugely expensive film, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, writer of ‘transgressional’ fiction. It has been compared with other rebellious films like Rebel Without a Cause and The Graduate. This one was the film for Generation X (born 1965 to 1980). On its release, it divided the critics and did not do hugely well at the box office. Once released on DVD, though, it found a following, and greater commercial success. Ten years after its first release The New York Times called it the ‘defining cult movie of our time’.
10 June 2024 MONDAY 19:30
Tickets £8.00|£5.00 (up to age 25)